Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On betrayal...

A few months ago, a person whom I considered as one of my good friends betrayed my trust. Everything that friend and I shared just seemed fake now.

I have a very sweet personality and I am genuinely kind, but betrayal is an issue that I do not easily forgive. It wasn't something minimal like telling my secrets but something that would definitely shake and hurt me to the point that I am no longer friends with that person. There are only a few things that would make me block people away from me. I have blocked out  two people and purged them out of my life. This is my 3rd.

As sad as it sounds, even if I had fond memories, I will obliterate those memories. Something fake is not worth remembering. Connections will be severed. I made other friends through this person and I was close to this former friend's family, I will no longer be associated with a betrayer. If they think I am extreme in my decision, sorry, but I'm looking out for myself. Besides why would I want to attach myself to negativity and drama?

I am very happy with my life right now, without that "friend". So if you're reading this, I can see that you've been googling my blog name, who else would do that but you. I don't trust you and I feel that I don't know you. Please stay away from me because if I see you I might slap your face.... Yes, I am that angry with you. I said what I needed to say and please stop snooping around my blog since I blocked you from facebook.

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