Friday, June 11, 2010

Little things that I've been thinking about

So the cousin asked... what's the difference between a journal and a blog? For me a journal keeps your innermost thoughts. A blog reflects random stuff about your... sort of like this... I guess you can say it's random conversations that I have with myself? Makes me sound a little crazy..... Oh well. Some blogs are picture heavy. Posts of what people like. But mine isn't, it's really a place for my thoughts... I place some pictures. If I'm not too lazy. Will probably do that when I'm done with school.....

Another thing that I've been thinking about... hmm... relationships. As we grow older we look at relationships differently. We go through phases, this is what I think anyway...
  • first when we're younger, we have the romantic-phase, where everything happens like a movie. We get swept off our feet and canoodle with our partners. We whisper sweet nothings into each other's ear.
  • Then we get the Ok-I'm-an-adult-relationship and we try to be adults and actually have a mature relationship.
  • Lastly, give-me-no-bull-relationship. It's either you're in or you're out.
I think I'm at the last part.... Sure, it's nice to have a romantic relationship at first but seriously, I think it's immature to go through the games. I'm just going with the flow that life brings right now. A relationship isn't an important thing for me at this point. Considering I felt a little betrayed a few days ago. But I know if the universe decides that a relationship will happen in the future, I will still give it my best. No matter how hurt I was in the past.

Oh well... on with my ramblings... like i said this is a blog of my rants and ramblings.... you don't like it... Well, stop reading it. I'm not here to please you.

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