Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm cut off from the world. Facebook is dead to me for a month.


Letter to Grad School

Dear Grad School

Currently, you are kicking my cohort's butt. We are stressed, sick, burnt out and going crazy. For now, we are just chugging along... like that little engine that could.... But in 402 days..... we will be looking back and say, "WE CONQUERED YOU BIATCH!!!"


Monday, June 21, 2010

The things i've learned from my Tito

13 Things Worth Knowing about Mario

and the newest internet meme: LSHTIAFOMD - Laughing So Hard That I Almost Fell Off My Dinosaur

you are loved

I don't have a particular person in mind or reason for saying this in my blog.... but if you think about it, 3 little words can make a difference to a person. It can be a pivotal point in a person's life... what do you think? Maybe I'm going way out of limb....

but.... remember

you are loved.... to the person whose heart is aching.
you are loved.... to the person who feels abandoned.
you are loved.... to the person who feels useless.
you are loved.... to the person who feels alone.
you are loved.... to the person who lives a life of misery.
you are loved.... to those who feel forgotten.

No matter how depressing it feels there's always someone out there....

Got a little Emoed out.... but I was just thinking of that... and how lonely some people feel. I hope if there are people who reads my blog, I hope it inspires people to say you are loved.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

When I fall in love again....

I am single.
I choose to be single for now.
Till I find the right one.
I know I am a pretty good catch.
I have my suitors,
I will no longer set myself up for another fake love.
I am perfectly capable of making myself happy.

If you managed to catch my eye, that's because I find you interesting.
If something happens then good.
If nothing comes out of it, it's fine.

But I know...

When I fall in love again....

I will love him to the best of my ability
I will understand him and treat him well
Give him the attention he so desires.
Shower him with affection and praise.
Support his goals and his dreams.
Love him for who he is and who he will become
and not because of who he was or what I hope he will be.
And give love, undying and unconditional love.

I will never have the intention of hurting him
Nor will I harbor thoughts of it.

I expect that he will treat me the same.

When that time comes,
When I can truly love again.
It will be bliss.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just to let you know

I am not or will ever be an airhead.
I am not or will ever be a hoe.
I am not or will ever be your one night stand.
I am not or will ever be someone to be toyed with.
I am not or will ever be the other woman.
I am not the stereotyped Asian woman that will love you long time.

I am a proud woman.
Strong and independent.
I am happy.
I don't need a boy to make me feel like crap
I want a man who'll make me feel important, exquisite, refined and stunning.
Don't play games with me.
If you want to be with me show it.
If not, move on.

Men, learn to tell the difference between trash and excellence.

I just needed to say that.... I've seen some of my friends treated badly. I hope they read this and realize they are worth much more than what they think.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I'm home alone. And I twirl around in heavenly bliss and plop into my bed, I realized..... I am very happy and content. :) I love being me.

not me on the video.... but i sure feel like doing this.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Little things that I've been thinking about

So the cousin asked... what's the difference between a journal and a blog? For me a journal keeps your innermost thoughts. A blog reflects random stuff about your... sort of like this... I guess you can say it's random conversations that I have with myself? Makes me sound a little crazy..... Oh well. Some blogs are picture heavy. Posts of what people like. But mine isn't, it's really a place for my thoughts... I place some pictures. If I'm not too lazy. Will probably do that when I'm done with school.....

Another thing that I've been thinking about... hmm... relationships. As we grow older we look at relationships differently. We go through phases, this is what I think anyway...
  • first when we're younger, we have the romantic-phase, where everything happens like a movie. We get swept off our feet and canoodle with our partners. We whisper sweet nothings into each other's ear.
  • Then we get the Ok-I'm-an-adult-relationship and we try to be adults and actually have a mature relationship.
  • Lastly, give-me-no-bull-relationship. It's either you're in or you're out.
I think I'm at the last part.... Sure, it's nice to have a romantic relationship at first but seriously, I think it's immature to go through the games. I'm just going with the flow that life brings right now. A relationship isn't an important thing for me at this point. Considering I felt a little betrayed a few days ago. But I know if the universe decides that a relationship will happen in the future, I will still give it my best. No matter how hurt I was in the past.

Oh well... on with my ramblings... like i said this is a blog of my rants and ramblings.... you don't like it... Well, stop reading it. I'm not here to please you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Ode to the Upcoming Brain and Spine Extraction Activity

brains, brains how will I examine thee?
I'll poke you and slice you....
and I'll do this all with glee.
It's your brain that I am thinking
I hope it gives you pain
While I'm dissecting.
Like voodoo with a little doll
Writhe in pain and curl into a ball!!!!

yes.... bitchy aren't I?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Apartment 429

To the ladies and gents that live there....

Thank you for putting up with me and my crazy rants, for the beer dates when I'm stressed, for dinners when I'm hungry, for the company when I'm lonely, for the laughter when I'm sad, for the advice when I'm confused, for the "i-told-you-so-moments" but didn't rub it to my face.

Thank you for being there.

Monday, June 7, 2010

my faith in men....

Other than my brothers and my dads (I have two)..... my faith in men is slowly diminishing.... like really. Don't believe the half-ass crap that they tell you, no matter how trustworthy they seem.

I want to shoot you right between the eyes and smile about it. No, not you... the other guy. The guy who said a bunch of crap. Yes you. May you die with a flea infestation on your nut sack down to your bung hole.

Watch out. I'm a bitch on PMS!!!!


While I was in the middle of studying, 2 ladies and 2 men took away my books and my bag and forcefully grabbed my hand... "You're coming with us, whether you like it or not!" I was kidnapped!!! Stuffed in a van & off to a place where two giant rats lived. The food they fed me were all non-nutritional. I was forced to ride a spaceship and escaped a galactic war, then we were on another spaceship trying to kill aliens in another galactic war. We arrived on earth and the kidnappers took me to a jungle and we rode on boats. Next we rode a yellow submarine and we were taken to an underground civilization. Then they took me on a train ride through a mountain, and then we rode on a broken down, jiggety car. The horror! We were chased by rolling boulder and zombies as we were trying to leave the mountain!

When we reached the town center I was forced to rob a bank!!! I was caught by the police and I tried explaining that i was forced but they didn't believe me. They threw me in jail and I was lucky I was able to attain a bottle of super powered water, one drink and I had super strength. Then I was able to break free, but the kidnappers knew where i was and alas, captured me again.

I was tortured! I walked for miles and miles. They spun me around and around in a teacup-like spinning chair. I think i died a little bit, maybe for 5 minutes.

Finally, I was able to get away from the kidnappers. Now I'm back home double time on studying.