Friday, October 16, 2009

Living the good life

I am pretty satisfied with life right now. So I want to write down how much I love it before I start bitching and get panic attacks when school starts getting hectic.

In this chapter of my life, I'm having the greatest time. Life is good and sweet. Living on my own and loving it. Great family, who supports and loves me. A new nephew that I hopefully get to play with. Brothers I can depend on when I need help. Cousins who make everything fun and happy. Great friends that also support me and are fun companions. A great school that makes me feel like I matter and I'm on top of the world, plus awarding me a scholarship! A great boyfriend who makes me feel i'm number 1 in his eyes. I love him dearly. Just many things to be thankful for. :)

love, love everything. i'm happy..... on to the next adventure: What's next after graduating?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Beautifully Imperfect

This video is really good and it make I can't find it on youtube but here is the video from Facebook

Here's my version of my Beautifully Imperfect Relationship

You are quiet
I am talkative
You think before you speak
I speak before I think
You are reserved
I am demonstrative
You are calm
I am feisty
You are passive
I am aggressive
You love the city
I love the wilderness
You grew up in the city
I grew up in a small town
You love artsy movies
I love fairy tales
Your world is full of Art
My world is full of Science

You listen to me when I talk too much.
You are my calm before my storm.
You are my guiding light when I lose my way.
You add color to my dull world.

We are opposites in so many ways
And we are imperfect in so many ways
I'm not complaining.
Your imperfections make me whole
I love you because you're beautifully imperfect

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Comicon 2009

So I was at Comicon last weekend, it was ok. Not as fun as last year I believe.

The one thing that I did have fun was being with my cousins. It was like a mini reunion for me and the rest of my cousins.

Highlights of my Comicon weekend
- I saw Leonard Nemoy
-I saw John Cho
-I saw Damian something--- he played Jethro on Beverly Hills Hillbillies the 90's movie
-We went to Coronado. Awesome beach
-Met with the cousins.

It was a good weekend. But kinda blah.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Bucket List

Since my bestest friend said I keep adding things to my Bucket list... I decided to write it down. And yes, I will add more things to this if I find more interesting things to do. Oh and don't ask me for the places I listed down, google it. I read the article and they look so pretty and I decided I want to see those places.

If anyone's willing to join, let me know.

  • finish my MA
  • try to get a PhD (hoping! after getting married and having kids)
  • Set up a private practice
  • sky diving (check)
  • bungee jumping
  • white water rafting (check)
  • cliff diving
  • learn to do the trapeze
  • hang gliding
  • Buy my own house
  • shark watching (in a cage submerged in shark infested waters)
  • back pack through out Europe. No tour guides (with friends)
  • back pack through out Europe. Alone
  • Living in my own apartment
  • Learn to surf
  • Surf in Hawaii
  • Learn to speak another language- other than the Filipino Languages and English (ASL- in progress; will learn Spanish after my MA)
  • Be in 3 countries in one day
  • Volunteer with Operation Smile (preferably in a different country after I get my MA in Speech Pathology)
  • Write a children's book
  • Learn to dance the salsa
  • Learn to pole dance
  • Ride a cruise
  • Shave my head.
  • Watch a concert in the US. Up close and not in the nose bleed area
  • Volunteer for Special Olympics
  • Go skiing
  • Go water skiing
  • Go snowboarding (check)
  • Pay for my own car (check)
  • Pay for my own education (in progress)
  • Ride a ferrari
  • Learn to play the guitar really well
  • Step foot in every continent
  • Visit all the European countries (i guess this goes with backpacking).
  • Try the beer and liquor of choice of each country

  • Eat as much unique and most delicious food from everywhere!!!
  • See at least 3 from each category
  • 7 Ancient wonders of the world:
  1. Great Pyramid of Giza
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  5. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
  6. Colossus of Rhodes
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
  • the wonders of the medieval world
  1. Stonehenge
  2. Colosseum
  3. Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
  4. Great Wall of China
  5. Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
  6. Hagia Sophia
  7. Leaning Tower of Pisa
  8. Taj Mahal
  9. Cairo Citadel
  10. Ely Cathedral
  11. Cluny Abbey
  • See the Natural wonders
  1. Palau
  2. Pelize Barrier Reef
  3. Great Barrier Reef
  4. Deep-Sea Vents
  5. Galápagos Islands
  6. Lake Baikal
  7. Northern Red Sea

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sky diving

Last July 11, 2009 I went sky diving with a friend.

It was the best experience ever and I would not mind doing it again! I love the feeling. I love feeling free and floating in the air.

So the whole thing was a good experience. We arrived at Perris Skydiving school at around 2:00pm and checked in. The staff were awesome and very friendly. The facility was really good. You get to swim in their pool while waiting for your turn to dive. Everything was very clean. They have a bar/restaurant that was also very clean and the staff was friendly as well. I loved that they had various memorabilia for skydiving posted on their walls.

When our names were called, we suited up and our instructors were also very friendly. Mine was very fatherly, since he was one of the older members. They instructed us with different steps on jumping out of the plane. My instructor Jim was very patient and my camera woman Lindsay was so awesome. She helped pumped me up. I liked her energy as well as she liked mine

So as we boarded our shark plane. I felt so giddy and excited. Our plane was like a little school bus in the sky. A cramped school bus. It was nice because all our instructors cracked jokes while we were inside and it relieved the tension of other first time jumpers.

When we jumped off the plane, it was such a rush. I kept telling myself, "Don't you dare close your eyes!" The 120 mph wind blasting from underneath us was so thrilling. Then the parachute opening and you float down like little daffodil wisps. So awesome. Then we had a perfect soft landing, 5/5 stars.

I'd recommend it to anyone.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Ok so I haven't blogged in approximately 2 weeks or so. I was busy. So sue me.... But you can it's not like I promised to update this blog at specific schedule... Besides, I don't have any subscribers. It's so cool to babble on and on without stopping.

So Yeah I went rafting and it ws the coolest thing ever! I don't think I can blog about everything since I probably forgot about a few things already.

Rafting was awesome. We went to the American River rapids instead of the nearby Kern County one. We rowed our way to class 3 to 4 rapids and it was exhilarating. My body was sore for a few days, given I never exercise unless you count walking to classrooms exercise. Ah but awesome times.

The following weekend I ate fresh crab at Redondo Beach. Isn't that awesome! I love crab! Mmmm... I want more.

Oh anti-allergy fairy sprinkle fairy dust on me so I can happily eat crab any time.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dammit I want those shoes! I lost by one point


Jimmy Choo to design for H&M. Unbelievable! The line will come out November 14. Ugh!! I'll be penniless and broke by that time (unless I get a job).

Oh the pretty, pretty shoes by Jimmy Choo... Someday when I earn a bazillion dollars, I'll buy my own. In reality, even if I buy just one, I think I'll be happy. I'll have pretty, sparkly shoes for my footies. Even if it pinches my toes, and the balls of my feet will hurt the next day, I will still love my Jimmy Choo.

Shoes, shoes, shoes... sigh. A girl can go borderline psycho obsessing over shoes.... or is it just me? I've heard once before (and it's totally true for me) a woman and her love for shoes can be compared to how a man courts a woman.

A man visits the woman, adores her, worships her and imagine a future with her, but if her price/expectations are too high then the man gets heartbroken.

That's how I am with shoes.

I visit the shoe often via internet or go to the actual store, I adore and worship it a few times and I imagine my feet wearing those shoes in the future, but if the price is too high, I go home heartbroken. :(

Christian Louboutin, Marc Jacobs, Chanels and yes, Jimmy Choo, you've broken my heart a few times. But now I have a chance to finally possess you!- said the love, crazed woman.

Last week I fell in love with Coach pumps (I'm still eyeing Ebay for it-- in which I lost the bidding!)

But my current obsession is this lovely beige shoe from Jimmy for $895.*sigh* A girl can dream....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The little girl in me wants a new toy.

Ah yes, I know, 3rd blog in one day (well, the first one I wrote midnight) but I'm really doing nothing for now. So I think I'll take advantage of it and write. Writing is sort of therapeutic anyway.

Forget about the Ericsson C905. Forget about the iPhone. Dude, I want the Sony Ericsson Satio.

My birthday is coming up. *wink* *wink*

I'm Hungry

It's about noon right now and I'm starving.

I follow this other blog by Market Man. He blogs about Filipino food and the local produce. His creations always make my mouth water. He was actually on Anthony Boudain's show when the Philippines was featured. He was the one who prepared the meal when Anthony went to Cebu.

But anyway, back to his blog.... the Crab and corn soup looks so good!!! I have to make it one day. (image is taken from his blog)

Now it's time for me to get ready for lunch.

Oh in case you want to check out his blog

I want this phone.... Ericsson C905

Update... I made this recipe and it was excellent!!!!!!!!!!!

My First Blog Entry

I've actually had Blogspot for quite some time now but I never use it for blogging. I only use it for threads for my group projects at school. But since I have some free time on my hands I might as well try to blog . Now that I can play with my dad's SLR and my bestest friend bought me a handy digital Canon Powershot..... (whoopee!!!), I can resurrect my passion for photography too.

I am inspired by a few friends, who have been blogging for a bit now. One has interesting pictures of her trips around the world, another has an artistic blog of humanoid teeth and there is another good friend who posts artistic displays of his grand creations. I on the other hand, will probably blog on food (oh yes, all the wonderful, delectable creations), work, school, interesting things that I find around me and most probably rant about my frustrations about something.

Today, was my last day working at Jefferson Elementary. I am a little bit sad. I didn't say goodbye to my preK and Kinder kids. I love the students and the good Speech Therapist that I work with. I had fun throughout the school year and I learned things from her. What not to do, what I should do and what are good things to remember. Most of all, she's more than a coworker now, but a really good friend.

I am so looking forward to rafting this weekend! Will post pics soon.