Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Blog Entry

I've actually had Blogspot for quite some time now but I never use it for blogging. I only use it for threads for my group projects at school. But since I have some free time on my hands I might as well try to blog . Now that I can play with my dad's SLR and my bestest friend bought me a handy digital Canon Powershot..... (whoopee!!!), I can resurrect my passion for photography too.

I am inspired by a few friends, who have been blogging for a bit now. One has interesting pictures of her trips around the world, another has an artistic blog of humanoid teeth and there is another good friend who posts artistic displays of his grand creations. I on the other hand, will probably blog on food (oh yes, all the wonderful, delectable creations), work, school, interesting things that I find around me and most probably rant about my frustrations about something.

Today, was my last day working at Jefferson Elementary. I am a little bit sad. I didn't say goodbye to my preK and Kinder kids. I love the students and the good Speech Therapist that I work with. I had fun throughout the school year and I learned things from her. What not to do, what I should do and what are good things to remember. Most of all, she's more than a coworker now, but a really good friend.

I am so looking forward to rafting this weekend! Will post pics soon.

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