Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tests + Projects + Presentations + Practicum = Anxiety

I was studying with my group on Monday and we were talking about all the tests, projects, presentations and practicum that were due. We realized that everyone in our group were having anxiety issues.

I thought I was the only one going nuts in this program, but I guess I'm one of the saner ones. I'm the one person in my study group that's not on meds.... Our conversation shifted from studying to the variety of medications my classmates were taking.

Hopefully, I won't go on meds but I was close to it last semester.... I had 3 breakdowns this semester and no anxiety attacks yet. Last semester, (considering how messed up it was), I had...hmmm I think 4 anxiety attacks and a lot of breakdowns.

Dang... no wonder the SLPs out there are nutty. Hello Crazyland!

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