Monday, September 27, 2010

It sucks to be you right now.....

Well, I really tried to be nice. I tried to stay in touch, but you just really rub me the wrong way. So you thought I wouldn't know? Well sir, you are sadly mistaken.

Hide from the cameras if you must, but it will always come out. Why hide? Hide only if there's something wrong, so I guess you know it's wrong. Stupid fool. Don't bother trying to be friends. The bridge was burned a long time ago

If you are reading this, and if only I can say this to your face... "Fuck you and I hope you're screwed over and karma gets you."

Now all I have to do is delete every memory of you.

Congratulations buddy, your name has been placed on my most hated list. I now pronounce you deleted and blocked. You may now kiss my ASS... Mother fucker!

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