Wednesday, September 29, 2010


OMG for realz??? Am I??? shieet...... I guess so. Think, think, think.......

Monday, September 27, 2010

It sucks to be you right now.....

Well, I really tried to be nice. I tried to stay in touch, but you just really rub me the wrong way. So you thought I wouldn't know? Well sir, you are sadly mistaken.

Hide from the cameras if you must, but it will always come out. Why hide? Hide only if there's something wrong, so I guess you know it's wrong. Stupid fool. Don't bother trying to be friends. The bridge was burned a long time ago

If you are reading this, and if only I can say this to your face... "Fuck you and I hope you're screwed over and karma gets you."

Now all I have to do is delete every memory of you.

Congratulations buddy, your name has been placed on my most hated list. I now pronounce you deleted and blocked. You may now kiss my ASS... Mother fucker!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

On being overwhelmed....

Just take everything in stride.
If you feel you can't take it, cry over it,
Then stand back and think about it again.
Look at what options you have,

Because you will always have options

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Dictionary

Sometimes I make up words or I use words differently. So here's my own dictionary. Just in case you have no idea what I'm saying

  • ninja-
  (vb) the object/person disappears all of a sudden. Ex. I haven't seen you for a long time. You're going ninja on me.  (vb) sneaky. Ex. I'll go ninja on you and steal your food.
  • meh-
   (vb) no concern; no importance. Ex- He is meh to me.

  • Psh-
     (vb) uttered in a dismissive tone in response to a confrontation; unbelievable; whatever. Ex. "Psh, I don't care what you think fool."

  • shoegasm-
     (vb) in an extreme happy state after buying a new pair of shoes. Ex. "I had a shoegasm after my retail therapy at Nordstroms"

  • dunch- (originated from a game of Balderdash with friends but I no longer remember the real definition. But I use it using my definition.)
     (noun)- refers to a meal after lunch before dinner. ex. "I'm having dunch with Lizzie at 5"

  • snake-
     (adj) the person is not to be trusted... "That dude is a snake. Don't let him come near me."

  • LSHTIAFOMD - Laughing So Hard That I Almost Fell Off My Dinosaur
     an internet meme that says what it means.
  • Fuin-
     (adj) sarcastically saying that everything is proceeding normally. ex. After being told to clean up the porta-potty, Jack said "Fuin, It's ok, it's my favorite job in the whole wide world."

  • complesot-
     (adj) meant to be a complement but it turned out to be an insult. "You look so good today. You probably lost a lot of weight."-- which implies that the person spoken to was fat.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Everytime I see your face.....

I am annoyed and I want to hit your face with a dead fish. Ugh.... I hate you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

In case of a zombie infestation....

To the dumb people out there....

Zombies eat brain-- don't worry you're safe.

I'm in relationship!!!!

haha made you read.

Being in grad school is like being in a relationship. There are the sweet moments. The fun moments. The happy moment. The tearful moments. "You-make-me-so-angry" moments. But in the end... you wouldn't want to end it.

I have a new lover.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Single Blessedness

I woke up today feeling very happy. I love my friends. I love my life. Although I complain about it a bit, I love that I'm in school. I'm very much blessed to have good people in my life.

I am very, very happy, and I'm achieving it with my friends. Now who said singles can't have happiness?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."
- Unknown

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Interesting Find

I've been organizing my room and my school stuff for the past few hours. As I am going through each folder, binder and notebook trying to figure out what I should keep and what I should throw.... I found a beautiful and inspirational note that was handed in class during my undergrad.

I hope it inspires you too.

I am part of a lost generation

and I refuse to believe that

I can change the world

I realize this may be a shock but

“Happiness comes from within.”

is a lie, and

“Money will make me happy.”

So in 30 years I will tell my children

they are not the most important thing in my life

My employer will know that

I have my priorities straight because

workis more important than


I tell you this

Once upon a time

Families stayed together

but this will not be true in my era

This is a quick fix society

Experts tell me

30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce

I do not concede that

I will live in a country of my own making

In the future

Environmental destruction will be the norm

No longer can it be said that

My peers and I care about this earth

It will be evident that

My generation is apathetic and lethargic

It is foolish to presume that

There is hope.

And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it .

*Now read it from bottom to top