Monday, April 5, 2010

Self Discovery

It hasn't stopped raining for days.
Rain drops are drenching my face.
The waters rise, my world is a flood,
Slowly I shall become one with mud.

Darkness is all around.
Hanging on driftwood my feet can't touch the ground.
I'm losing control for these past few days,
and my mind is crushed my thrashing waves.

I'm treading on water to keep from sinking.
You can't really hear what I'm not saying,
"Save me!"... but I'm not the one you are reaching.
You don't seem to recognize that I am missing.

I'm weak, I'm falling.
I denied myself all feeling.
I denied myself all hoping.
I denied myself my own being.

But the angry waters I have braved.
and I don't know how, but I was saved.
Light peeks out between the parting skies.
It has calmed the storms that drenched my eyes.

The sun has dried the streams still flowing,
and I realized it's a new beginning.
With a tattered heart, I collect myself,
and I know, I alone will be my only help.

I realized that I'm way different from how I was a few years ago. I guess i'm trying to get that back. Someone gave me an epiphany, thank you for that.

I think it's about time I kick that moping, little girl in the ass and do something about it. In the end it will be myself who'll do the changing no matter what my friends say or do. I guess I need to be at my lowest point to realize that.

I am strong and independent and I will not let anyone crush my goals.

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