Monday, April 26, 2010

Blue Moon

So... i drank Blue Moon beer yesterday during my Mom's dinner.... the "Art Director" and I suspected that I was allergic to it before.... I thought maybe it was just a fluke since I can drink Honey Moon and Full Moon and all other beers.... but yep i'm allergic to Blue Moon.

This time I woke up with a red, swollen left eye and a big splotchy hive underneath my right eye!

Hooray for blue moon! Gotta love good beer though.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quotable Quotes part 1

For sure I'll be hearing a lot of quotable quotes in my lifetime, so this entry is part one.

"And then what?!!!!!"- Mimi

"Duke, I am so mad at you!! I am so mad"- Karina

"....and a herd of turtles will choke you!"- Dr. Herer

"...tequilla makes my clothes fall off."- Dr. Giess

Thursday, April 15, 2010

JT Schmidts

So I tried a beer sampler from JT Schmidts... it's ok. More details to the follow

From Left to Right (description from the JT Schimidts website)

  • JT Light- This light bodied ale is golden in color with a smooth crisp finish. Our lightest brew (4.8% ABV)... very very light and refreshing.
  • Hefeweizen- Straw colored and cloudy, lightly hopped and garnished with a slice of lemon (5.2% ABV). Nice refreshing beer. Hefs are pretty good and this one was just the same... didn't blow my mind away... but it's ok
  • India Pale Ale- A highly hopped ale brewed with Pacific Northwest hops producing a full flowery aroma (6.9% ABV)... Not a big fan of IPAs... and this didn't improve my opinion of it either. I just don't like bitter beer.
  • Emil’s Amber- Grandpa’s very own. Rich malt amber colored ale balanced by fresh German hops (5.2%ABV).... i don't remember much of this... i guess, it's safe to say.... not spectacular but not crappy.
  • Extra Stout- A full bodied and moderately bitter ale balanced between black roasted flavors and bold malt accents (6.7% ABV)
  • The last one was their seasonal beer. I don't remember the name but it was the best among my beer selection

Friday, April 9, 2010


Another repost....

Just to clear things up... This poem is not dedicated to anyone..... Ok fine, I'll dedicate this to my future lover, whoever that maybe.

Rain just keep on pouring down,
Flooding my head
Confusion, no direction
The sky is cloudy, I lost my star
I lost my way home

It's a long way to get to you
A long arduous path.
A winding road, where I can't see the end
I lost my way home

I've been walking and searching
For a place I can call home
It'll take time, I won't give up, I still have hope
I will find my way home

Your love will guide me through
I know I'll come home to you
In your embrace, I'll feel secure
In your arms, I'll feel assured
That home will always be with you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What ifs?

What if I never reach my goal?
What if I fall down a deep hole?
What if I break down and cry?
What if I'm afraid to try?
What if I say "I give up"?
What if I say "I should stop"?
What if I say "I'm through! No more!"?
What if I say "I've never been this down before?"

Please push me till I reach my goal
Give me a hand to climb my hole
Be my shoulder when I cry
Urge me on to go on and try
Encourage me and cheer me up
"Believe in yourself don't ever stop
You'll reach your goals and so many more,
Because you are a stronger person than before."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Self Discovery

It hasn't stopped raining for days.
Rain drops are drenching my face.
The waters rise, my world is a flood,
Slowly I shall become one with mud.

Darkness is all around.
Hanging on driftwood my feet can't touch the ground.
I'm losing control for these past few days,
and my mind is crushed my thrashing waves.

I'm treading on water to keep from sinking.
You can't really hear what I'm not saying,
"Save me!"... but I'm not the one you are reaching.
You don't seem to recognize that I am missing.

I'm weak, I'm falling.
I denied myself all feeling.
I denied myself all hoping.
I denied myself my own being.

But the angry waters I have braved.
and I don't know how, but I was saved.
Light peeks out between the parting skies.
It has calmed the storms that drenched my eyes.

The sun has dried the streams still flowing,
and I realized it's a new beginning.
With a tattered heart, I collect myself,
and I know, I alone will be my only help.

I realized that I'm way different from how I was a few years ago. I guess i'm trying to get that back. Someone gave me an epiphany, thank you for that.

I think it's about time I kick that moping, little girl in the ass and do something about it. In the end it will be myself who'll do the changing no matter what my friends say or do. I guess I need to be at my lowest point to realize that.

I am strong and independent and I will not let anyone crush my goals.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nostalgia (repost from a different blog)

this is a repost, I don't feel this way anymore.... but it's a good one

I want to drown my heart with wine
to extinguish a crazy love
that more than love, is pain...
And that's what i'm here for,
to erase those old kisses with other lips' kisses
if his love was short lived,
why is this cruel preoccupation
always living in me?
I want to drink for both of us
to forget this obsession
but i remember him even more

The nostalgia for his laughing
for feeling his breath next to my lips
The anguish of being abandoned
and of thinking that soon he will whisper
tender words to another
I don't want the humiliation
of begging, crying
of telling him i can't live without him
from my sad solitude
i will see the falling of the lifeless roses of my youth

Moan, your sad tango
Maybe you also are in pain
for a broken love...
cry my silly, lonely and sad soul tonight
Dark, starless night
If drinks bring relief
here i am with my sorrow to drown it at once
i want to drown my heart with wine to my defeated love

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lessons From A Children's book

"i think you are the one
that i have been waiting for," said the missing piece.
"maybe i am your missing piece."

"but i am not missing a piece," said the big O.
"there is no place you would fit."

"that is too bad," said the missing piece.
"i was hoping that perhaps i could roll with you...."

"you cannot roll with me," said the big O,
"but perhaps you can roll by yourself."

"by myself? a missing piece cannot roll by itself."

"have you ever tried?" asked the big O.

"but i have sharp corners," said the missing piece.
"i am not shaped for rolling."

"corners wear off," said the big O,
"and shapes change."

one of the most poignant parts of one of my all-time favorite children's books.

sometimes i can't help but wonder where we end up taking wrong turns as we grow up. the lessons we must learn we've learned as children. do we just simply unlearn these lessons as we get older, only to have to relearn them again?