Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lady bugs! Lady bugs

It's fun hanging out with my friend aka "Cuppies". Cuppies is an awesome baker and makes spectacular, delectable, scrumptious, mouthwatering tantalizing cupcakes!!! Hence, the nick name "Cuppies". Did I mention her designs are awesome?? I'm getting hungry just thinking of the deliciousness of her cupcakes!!! drool.....

The picture to the left of this blog is her actual product. Isn't it pretty? She makes cakes too! She can do your wedding cake or even a birthday cake. I really recommend her for any party that you have. :)

Little advertisement here... but go to her website... Dessert Fusion. She has a list of all her flavors, filling and even pictures of her past work.

But anyway, since Cuppies lives 6 minutes away from me, I've been spending time at her house almost every night. Last night we made Ladybug themed cup cakes. I had so much fun making the lady bugs and also the flowers. I hope the people who gets to see it will enjoy the beauty and at the same time enjoy eating it. All pictures posted on this entry are owned by Dessert Fusion.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Day of internship

So it was the first day of my practicum/internship. Whatever you want to call it. It was a good experience so far. I like my supervisor.

hmmm.... next?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been a while

So my last blurb was back in October. Shit happened. 10 days after I wrote the previous entry the bf and I broke up... Ah life.... so now, my ex will be referred to as "the Art Director" for any future reference in this blog. We're good friends but I'm not ready to hang out and mingle.

So I guess life is telling me that my next adventure is to be single.... hey, I'm loving it so far. Many things happened since then, I cried, I cried some more. I had fun. I enjoyed stuff. Holidays arrived and had gone by.... it was ok. Finally I'm picking up the pieces of my brokern heart. I went snowboarding, made cupcakes... what else? Met a few new people and moving on with life.

Today, though.... seriously Tornado warnings in California? Apparently, Tornadoes appeared in Long Beach and Costa Mesa! Oh wow.

Oh and the food.... I recently had a 3x3 burger animal style with animal style from In-n-Out with animal style fries. So good. mmm....

Will try to write more.... Grad school is awesome.